See any resemblence?

Oh my sweet baby girl and her red poofy hair! I love it!
The Peek household is staying busy as usual! Colby is busy with soccer and I am busy with a busy little 7 month old! She is moving all over the place these days, but not quite in the right direction...yet!
She's up on all fours!
She's in a bear crawl position...ready to take off!
And backwards we go into the entertainment center!
And back again under our bouncer!
And even backs up under her lion....are you sensing a theme here?
Yes, my sweet Little Bitty can crawl backwards with the best of them. It's forwards we need to work on! I am positive though she will wake up one morning or after an afternoon nap and just start crawling...then, life as I know it will again change forever! =)
Baylor also has 2 little bitty bottom teeth. You can't see them very well yet, but you can definitely feel them if she catches you off guard! I will miss her little gummy smile, but I am happy she is reaching milestones. When people told me how quick the time passes and how quickly they change I thought they were all liars for the first 6 weeks of her life. Then, one day, she just came to life and has not slowed down since! Sometimes I swear she's gotten bigger just during her nap!
Oh yes...I would like to take a moment to apologize to all the people who thought I was pregnant from the title of my last post. I am not. Just thought it was a catchy title. I had no idea so many people actually read this blog until the comments, texts, and emails that started with, "I thought you were...". My bad. I will try to think my titles through a little better for future blogs. :)
We have been doing a study on "The Art of Marriage" in our life groups recently. I have loved it and have been reminded of many truths in God's word and having a God centered marriage. Today's lesson was on conflict and forgiveness. There was a great quote by one of the speakers saying, "Harboring resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Another great quote that is so true and so simple, "Love God. Love People."
"When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly." 1 Peter 2:23
Be blessed!-E
She looks SO MUCH like YOU!