8 months ago my daughter had a heart flutter that was so rare, that not a single nurse, doctor, or cardiologist at Baylor Dallas had ever actually seen it in an infant before. They had read about it, were pretty positive how to fix it, but couldn't be 100% until they actually went in and tried. As a mother...that is terrifying! Today. Baylor Ann, is a healthy, crawling, babbling, and oh so lovable baby.
8 months ago my husband and I started on one of the scariest journeys God has ever taken us on. We were starting a new family and a new job in a new town and did not know a single soul! There was so much new and I was so overwhelmed. Today my husband is coaching in his first play off game after winning District in the regular season. I will be in the stands cheering him on and most likely I will not be holding my baby because God has placed so many new people in our life that love us and especially love Baylor that she will be getting passed around by all of the soccer moms who have fallen in love with her and want to hold her and love on her almost, but not quite as much as her own grandparents would.
Also, today, I had lunch with friends. Friends! We have gone from not knowing anyone, to knowing several people, having several friends. As a stay at home mom, I stay busy! It is God and God alone who has put these people we have come to love in our life because if you know me well, then you know my conversation skills are lacking at best sometimes! ;)
8 months ago we visited a church. A very nice church, full of very nice people. When church was over and my husband and I got in the car, I cried. Not cried, but bawled! I did not think I would ever have the feeling of a new church feeling like my church home. I did not know how important that really was until I no longer had it. Since that time we have found a "church home" and LOVE it! We love the people, we love the pastor, and we love the ministry of it. We are so thankful and blessed that God lead us here.
In the 8 months we have been here we have also had some health scares and financial scares. God has always provided and God has always healed. Yes, I'm a major hypochondriac, but every now and then I actually have something weird happen! God is faithful and through prayer and God's grace I still breathe to live another day! And as the stay at home wife of a coach...we are not exactly rich. In love, definitely, on paper...not so much. I was joking with my mom the other day and I told her, "If you're poor then you better tithe because that's the only way you'll make it!"
We have an overwhelming support system. My family, my husband's family. They are all so supportive. So willing to help if we call on them. They come to Colby's soccer games, help watch Baylor if we need them. Baylor's KK's and aunts keep her looking like quite the fashionista. :) They pray for us daily and they are AWESOME!
Blessed is what we are. In every way. I know there will be drizzly times, rainy times, and scary thunderstorm times in our life. But today I will celebrate the blessings. Below are a few pics from Bay's dedication. Thanks Minna and Lou Lou for taking pictures!
The Fam
Bay's dedication. The scripture we chose for her. Isaiah 43:1b "Fear not for I have summoned you. I know you by name. You are mine"
Baylor and Mommy
Baylor and Drew...he got the best smile from her! And he only holds her for like 30 seconds at a time!
Baylor and her Lou Lou. The two red heads of the fam.