Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tis the Season

Tis the season for miracles and joy!  We are ecstatic about our newest little miracle and the sweet blessing of life!  As most of you know, we had trouble getting pregnant with Baylor.  It was a 2 year process that included surgery, medicine, shots, tons of sonograms, 2 IUI's and a partridge in a pear tree. :)  Since having Baylor we have never used any preventative measures to not get pregnant, we just for whatever reason can't. the horror of pregnancy and birthing a child wore off and the desire to expand our family grew, we decided to start fertility treatments once again. This time, we went straight to what worked the last time which was fertility medicine, hcg shot, IUI.  Even though it really hasn't been that long ago that we went through this process with Baylor, I had forgotten how emotionally draining and time consuming the process was.  Lots of sonograms, getting hopes up while trying to stay realistic, and the last 2 weeks of the month which seem more like 2 years wondering, "what if?"  So, I had made the decision myself that this was going to be a one and done time.  If it worked great, if not, then we could revisit the subject at a much later time. We told very few people that we were even starting this process again not because I really cared if anyone knew or not, but from the last time I knew that it is just a bummer to have to tell everyone, "Nope, not this time" over and over and over again. But despite my best efforts, my hopes were up and my excitement was growing.  And on Friday November 16th I got the official call from my doctor, "Congratulations Emily, you're pregnant." He also told me there must have been Divine Intervention for this to work on the first time.  I agreed! His nurse told me when they got the official test results they were all cheering in the office! We didn't tell anyone in our family, except my sister ( Hello, I'm a girl, I have to talk to someone about this :) ), so when we came in for Thanksgiving Baylor was wearing this!

No one saw it at first because Baylor is a wild child and goes straight to running and playing.  However, she finally slowed down enough for my mom to get a good look at it. She was in shock and disbelief at first, then over joyed!  My dad was laughing and clapping his hands.  My nephew told my sister he wanted them to adopt a baby. So funny!  And so fun to finally get to surprise them!!!  We took Baylor out to Colby's  mom's house and she talked to Baylor and hugged Baylor and never even noticed.  Finally I told her we had been shopping and to look at Baylor's new shirt.  Again, it was a great reaction.  Excitement and joy!

We are so thankful for God's perfect plan for our growing family.  We pray blessings abound for all of our family and friends this Christmas season.

Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Moz 2012

     First things first, THANK YOU!  Thank you to everyone who supported us financially and to everyone who prayed for us while we were there.  Words cannot describle how grateful we are to you.I have been wanting to share my trip with you all for quite some time now, but due to technical difficulties have not been able to. So, here it finally is!     

     I will try to keep this brief and not bore you with too many details.  I want you to make it through the whole blog without losing interest! :)  The a word...was amazing.  The country is unimaginably poor, but the believers in Moz were on fire for Christ!  Granted, I was only there for 10 days, but this was my general observation. There is no politically correct, beat around the bushes, kum-ba-ya, attitudes.  It is, "Do you know Christ? Well, let me tell you about him."  Pretty awesome.  As a whole, they really don't have a woe is me attitude.  They do however have such a sense of urgency to share Christ with everyone around them.  As I sit in my air conditioned home, with my loving husband, my sweet baby girl, my comfy blanket, watching a favorite family movie after a meal where we have all eaten more than we should is sometimes hard to imagine life being any better.  When the people of Moz lie on their dirt floor, or if it's raining, sleep standing on their mud floor, in the heat, with hungry stomachs, family members all around sick and dying with Aids, Malaria, Teburculosis, or about 1,000 other diseases, they know.  They know that in Christ life can be so much more becuase of the promises He gives us.  And Heaven...Heaven will be sweeter to these people than you or I could ever imagine.  Rev 21:4  "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

As I said before, I will be brief. give you the "highlights" of what we did while in Moz.  We hung out, practiced, played, did bible study, a "girl's night", and went on a village walk with the teenagers in the Sparks Handball/Sports Ministry.  We painted a Green Door house that was 160square feet for a widow and her family affected with HIV to live in.  We prayed over mommas and their malnourished babies at Tessa Grace Nutritional Program and Baylor was even able to donate several of her blankets, bibs, and clothes from when she was a newborn!  We went to the hospital shared Jesus and gave soup with Soup Solution to the dying.  Colby preached the Roman Road and then we held a food pantry for 130+ families affected by HIV and were able to give them enough food to last over two weeks.  That's a big deal because they will often go days without eating anything.  We went with the Project Life ministry who holds bible studies in homes of people affected by HIV.  We held a VBS for a local church and shared the gospel, sang, had a craft, and gave snacks for 100+kids.

Favorit moment of the trip:  When the boys from the Sparks ministry found out our team had brought them new uniforms.  Our translator (who was also a member of the team) got so excited that he stopped translating and started cheering with the rest of the team.  The place exploded with excitement!  I cried.

Willl never forget moment:  The Sparks kids read scripture from John about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and they said, "We want to be like Christ and wash the feet of our disciples." Then they sat us down, prayed over us, and washed our feet.  I cried again.

Think about it moment:  We were at a church made of mud and sticks and the preacher mentioned that if you know Christ, but your neighbor does not and you have food, but your neighbor is hungry, then you should give you neighbor food in order to share the love of Christ.  Remember they might not eat for days at at time, and what food they do have, they are giving to non-believers to share Christ.  Talk about sacrificial giving.  They're giving everything they have for Christ.

What now?
To truly experience God in a way unlike any other, GO!  There is no way to really put into words what being there is like. So go and see for yourself and you will come back changed! :) I know, not everyone's cup of give!  If you know of someone going on a trip, support them!  You will have an eternal impact on the kingdom of Heaven...kind of awesome huh?  If you don't know of anyone right now, find an organization that you believe in and support their efforts to take Christ to the world.  I went with Children's Relief International.  You can help support the missionaries, you can support a Tessa Grace baby and help ensure they are getting fed and cared for, you can support a Sparks student go to vocational school (kind of like their college) for only $35 a month for six months, you can build a house with Green Door for widows and orphans affected by HIV, or several other things.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! :)  There is so much more to share and we would love to share it with you.  Just give us a "Holla"! ;)

1 Cor 15:58 "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Baylor!

Today is Baylor's second birthday and what a fun, special, blessed, joyful, exciting, and love filled time these two years have been with our sweet girl.  The first year of Baylor's life she was super calm, hardly ever cried, and was pretty much the perfect baby.  The second year has been equally as joyful, but quite a bit more active! Her personality is spunky but sweet.  She is fearless, but can be very shy.  She loves to wear jewelry and dirt equally. She never stops moving until she is made to, but then can be a great sleeper.  She is our dimple faced, strawberry blonde, girly tomboy that we love oh so much. 

Happy Birthday Baylor Ann!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perfect Imperfection

It is late and I can't quite get to sleep tonight.  Our AC has decided to quit on a Saturday night in the middle of summer. So, here is my late night ramble. :)

Did you know that a dimple is really a deformed muscle?  Look at this face...

Amazing isn't something so cute, is scientifically considered to be deformed or imperfect.  I can't imagine Baylor without her dimple.  It's part of what makes her, her.  In my eyes, she's beautiful. Perfect. She is perfectly imperfect. :)  

I am imperfect (shocking...I know ;), but in Christ I have been made new and perfect.  I am so thankful He doesn't see me through the eyes of man, but through HIS eyes.  He has a deeper love for me than I can ever imagine, he has a perfect plan for my life, and to Him I am fearfully and wonderfully made. But not just me.  We all are.

So let science have their theories, the world have their opinions, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:17-Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"  21-"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

Psalm 36:5- "Your love oh Lord, reaches to the Heavens, your faithfulness to the skies."

John 3:16-"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life."

Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you declared the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Psalm 139:14- "I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full."

Joshua 24:15- "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Catching Up

Summer is here and is as exciting as anticipated!  I have started my new part time job and am LOVING it!  The owners of the house we are renting have SOLD the house which means we have to be out by June 27th (which is also the same week Colby has his soccer camp, yikes!), but on the flip side we have a contract on our potential new house, woo-hoo!!!!  We are still gearing up for Africa starting July 19-29 and Baylor has her SECOND, I repeat SECOND birthday coming up!  How is she already two!?!?

Colby and I have been SO blessed with an amazingly generous and selfless lifegroup (sunday school) at our church.  2 years ago I remember crying after visiting churches, which were perfectly fine,but none which felt like "home" thinking I would never find a church that felt like the close knit church I came from.  But God, as usual, blessed us more than we could ever imagine, and we are thankful for them daily.  So, thanks guys for being so awesome! :)

Baylor is crazy, hilarious, cute, funny, fearless, and sweet as usual.  She is so blessed with a multitude of family that love her so much and cousins that are so fun and the sweetest things to watch together.  For her birthday this year we are going to go with a Cookie Monster - Milk and Cookies dessert theme.  Since we won't have a house of our own yet to have her birthday party in we are going to have it at "The Grove" which will probably be more fun anyway! :) I had several cute pics and videos to upload, but my computer is not cooperating so for now, here is the one I got.

It's hot out there guys...stay cool!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Time!

4 more days and summer is officially here!  Woo hoo!!!!!!  As many of you already know, I resigned from teaching a couple of weeks ago.It was a decision that was prayerfully thought out and I did not come by it easily.  However, leaving Baylor, everyday, all day, was harder for me than I could have ever imagined.  I thought it would get easier or become more routine, but it never did.  I work for a great school and Baylor is in a perfect childcare situation, but there have been many a Monday mornings that I would just cry on my way to school because I HATED leaving Baylor after having a full weekend with her. HATED it! In my original plans of having children, I never wanted to stay home.  I thought that would be too much time with a baby and I sure as heck did not want to be poor!  Well, after being a working mom, I realize I would rather eat dirt everyday then have to leave my baby.   Funny how a little 6.9 lb bundle can change EVERYTHING!

Now, just to clarify.  I will be working a little, but only part time. It was, again, a position that I really feel God just layed in my lap.  So blessed!   I came by it through my life group at church.  We have a friend who has a pool and outdoor living business. Basically, if it goes in your backyard, he can build it! And as his business has grown, he is needing a little more help.  Which is where I come in....and Baylor too!  The type of business he does, he meets on the customers time table,which most often happens after a normal workdays hours.  He has an office set up with a meeting area for the adults and a play area for the children whose parents are meeting with him.  So during the day, from 8-12 on M, W, F Baylor and I will be working.  She will have a play area with toys, puzzles, etc and my desk will be right beside her, but she won't be bothering anyone because we will be the only ones there!  On those days I will basically be answering the phone, running errands, and done by lunch!  On Tuesdays and Thursdays Baylor will go to Parent's Day Out and I will work a little longer on those days and get more time intensive work done.  It is a new position for everyone involved, and I am sure there will be a learning curve involved, but I am excited!  And grateful. And thankful.  And did I mention excited!?  No more leaving my baby!!! :)

As summer approaches we have many things to look forward to.  Job change for me, our landlords have decided to sell the house we are living in which means we are in the house hunting market :), Baylor turns 2 in 2 months, and we are going to Africa!  Lots of change, but all for the better!

Here are some of our recent adventures we have been on and just some funny videos of Baylor. She keeps us laughing and on our toes,daily!

Tink,our dog, does not like balls.  Tink does not really like Baylor either. So here she is having to decide the lesser of two evils

On this particular night, my dad, Mac, was trying to teach the grandkids how to do a headstand. Unfortunately what I did not catch was him showing them how to do a headstand by doing one himself.  Look alive 55! ;)  

Let's Go Rangers!

Dollar Dog night!

When the snacks have run out, Elmo makes his appearance! :)

Riding off into the night with her Prince Charming :)

We also went to a Rough Riders game with some friends and their little girl named Taylor.  These two are too cute! :)

 Fireworks, not so sure at first

So loud,but so pretty!

Be Blessed!- The Peeks

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Today I took this little cutie to go see the flowers

And this little cutie...didn't really like them at first

In fact, she said they hurt and even signed the word "hurt" for extra emphasis.  

But I finally got a toothy grin from her :)

We were so happy that Daddy got to come with us since he was on his way to a soccer game today

Such pretty things everywhere we looked

But then, she saw it!  And even gasped. It was...

A giant water shooting frog!  She wouldn't TOUCH the flowers, but the giant frog she has no issues with

This is our new "cheese" face...

Finally, Little Bit decided to smell a flower

It was a perfect morning with my sweet little munchkin

Friday, April 13, 2012

10 Days!

Hey Y'all!  We have had so many friends offer their love, support, and prayers for our upcoming mission trip to Mozambique and we are so thankful for ALL of you!  We have 10 days left to raise the money for our flight to Africa.  The cost is $3000 for each of us and we cannot do this without the support of other believers in Christ and believers in our effort to fulfill the Great Commision. If you are at all interested in donating in anyway now would be a GREAT time for that!(did I say that tactfully enough) ;).  We have a BIG number to reach in a short time, but we serve an even BIGGER God!  Below is a link to our letter on how you can pray or donate to our trip OR if you want to private message me your address we would love to send you, your missions group, life group, etc a copy of our letter to be able to see and pray specifically for us and the people of Mozambique and the work God is doing there.  We can't wait to be the hands and feet of Christ and pray you will help serve along side us!

Mark 16:15- He said to them, "Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to all creation."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Humble Pie Anyone?

So tonight Colby coached in a playoff game.  A very intense, well-fought, and fiercely played playoff game.  As the boys played their little hearts out, the my humble opinion...could not have been worse.  It was just one of those games that I thought, "My husband works HOURS everyday to be successful, and you come in  and make GAME changing calls that throw everything they have done out the window and this is just a part time job for you.  You didn't even have to go to college for this."  Now...can refs make a team, they can make winning much more difficult when they take goals away from you and count goals that never actually cross the goal line.  Needless to say, I was a little bitter with the ref and the other team in general.  After overtime and a shootout, the Pirates did not come out on the winning side of the game.  It was even more heart breaking for the Seniors for whom this was the last game of high school soccer they will every play.  As my husband was consoling his kids, I became even more bitter than I already was on behalf of all involved on the Pirate team.  I looked at the other team and I thought, "You want to win cheating, go for it." I rolled my eyes, thought very rude thoughts about them,  and made my way out to the parking lot. Here I saw one of our players go up to the opposing team's coach, tell him congratulations, and even shake his hand without a remnant of bitterness, malice, or hate in his voice.  And I thought, "Wow.  A teenager is acting like more of an adult than I am, and he has far more reason to be upset than I do.  If he can get over it, I can too."

Life lessons.  They are about as fun as getting a splinter and taste about as good as humble pie. The teenager, he gets it.  Love God. Love People.  Easily said, not always as easily done. I hope one day, I can be as mature as that teenager.  Until then, I will thank God for the grace he gives me daily and stay far away from anything wooden. ;)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Grove

Baylor is so blessed to have 2 sets of awesome grandparents who offer completely different, but equally as special time and activities that they get to do with Baylor.  This weekend we went to Colbys moms house to spend time and to have our Easter Family Dinner.  She lives out in Miller Grove, or as the kids call it, "The Grove."  I love when we get to come stay here. Her house sits on about 200 acres of family land, surrounded by trees and fields. It is the definition of Gods Country. The only noise you here is the wind in the trees or the faint neighing of a distant neighbors horse. I swear when we come here time stops. Baylor loves coming here as well! There is always something new for her to explore, especially when her cousin Jolea is there with her! :)

 Sooo excited to go see the donkeys!

Beep Beep!


Strike a pose!

 No reason you can't be dirty in ruffles! :)

Mmmm, Baylor loves cupcakes!

But she is oh so messy with them!

All the cousins before the egg hunt

Baylor sees kids running so she does too...but forgot her bucket!

KK Peek is there to help!

Is it sunny today?

 What did we get!?

What is this????

Oh the adventures these two will go on!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mozam What!?

Hi friends!  PLEASE READ TO THE END!!! It's a smidge long... :)

It has been quite awile since my last post.  Between school, Baylor, and soccer season my free time has been non-existant!  However, I did want to take a minute to share what is going on with the Peeks this summer.  Colby and I will be traveling to Mozambique, Africa for 10 days!  We will be going with an organization called Children's Relief Internaitonal.  There are 2 missionaries from our church at Lakepointe who are a part of this organization that we will be traveling with. We are so excited to see what God has in store and are ready to be used in whatever way we can to bless these people and bring God glory! 

Although this will be my 7th mission trip and my 3rd mission trip in another country, it will be my first mission trip to go on as a believer!  For those of you who don't know I was not saved until about 2 years ago.  The cliff notes version of that is I grew up in the church, walked the aisle and said the sinners prayer because that's what people who go to church do, realized much later that I never made an actual commitment to God nor had I surrendered my life to him,but was too embarrassed to admit it to myself or anyone else, got tired of living in confusion "what ifs" and doubts, and made an actual commitment of my life to Christ, recognizing my sin separates me from him and asked him to reign as Lord of my life forever. Yay!  If you want a more detailed version I would love to talk with any of you about this at any time! :)  Since surrendering my life to Christ, 100%, my world has been ROCKED!  However, I know, without a doubt, that everything that has happened, good and bad, have been all a part of His plan for me.

So, as I was saying.  This will be my first mission trip to go on as a believer. I am so excited to be used in whatever way God sees fit.  Whether it be holding babies and teaching moms how to feed them formula, putting paint on a wall, or helping Colby with Sports Camp, I will do whatever is needed and I will do it in the name of Christ. 

 As with any mission trip there will be several needs.  Prayer is crucial.  Prayer for travel. Prayer for safety. Prayer that the people are open to the gospel.  Prayer that Colby and I can raise the funds needed to go. Prayers that I will not back out last minute because I don't want to leave my baby!!!!  Colby and I will both be going so we will need to raise about $6,000 for both of us. Big number, but we serve a bigger God.  If this is something you feel like you would want to donate towards ( it's tax deductible ;) ) there will be more information coming forth and letters being written. We will also have a few fundraisers starting with the 5K Fun Run in Rockwall and the rest are TBD, but I will definitely let you know!

Thanks for taking the time to read this to the end :).  We are so excited about this opportunity and can't wait to see God work out the details of getting us to Africa and work in the lives of the people in Africa.

                                                    Mark 16:15
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.