This is the game I feel like I am playing everyday these days. And for the record, yes, I am smarter than a 3rd day at a time! Being a mommy and teaching a new grade, in a new district is harder than I could have ever imagined. I want to be the best mom and the best teacher and finding the balance has been difficult at best. I have accepted the fact that I can not leave when the bell rings. I am teaching a new grade that I came into late, and if I am going to be an effective teacher, there is just no possible way for me to leave "early." I take work home with me every night to try and study for the next day and on Sunday afternoons while my daughter is napping I am doing grades, looking up reading strategies, and basically trying to keep my head above water. The school I am working at is great and my team of teachers are awesome. I am very blessed because without them, their help, and their patience, I might have thrown in the towel by now! My family, my mom in particular, have bent over backwards to help me in whatever way possible and my father's weekly/daily "pep talks" full of God's truth and "in yo face" honesty have also been lifesavers in this new journey! I have received so many emails, cards, phone calls, and texts letting me know so many people have been praying for me and for these I am forever grateful! I have moments of complete anxiety and then moments of complete, "I can do this" type of peace. So thank you! :) I am thankful for this job and thankful for God's timing, the hardest part is adjusting to my "new" normal, but it will be fine. God has a plan!
Meanwhile, Baylor has adjusted amazingly well to the new schedule. She loves her sitter and loves getting to play with the other girls everyday. Knowing she is so well taken care of and not really missing me at all, has been quite comforting and made the adjustment slightly easier.
Speaking of Baylor, she is full of personality these days. She has mastered the word "no" and is not afraid to use it in any situation. She is much more interactive during play time. If she hears anyone laugh or clap, she will start to laughing and clapping, and if she has a hold of something she's not supposed to she will run and try to hide from you! Below are just a few pics and videos of her doing what she does best. Being Baylor! :) She is sick today :(, which is how I actually have time to write this blog. So please pray she will be back to her silly self in no time.
So happy with her Mohawk made from her peach juice at supper time!
Just a normal day shopping at the outlet mall...
My loves
Lil Pirate
Hang'n out with Dad on the field...she really thought she was about to run through this thing...yikes!
Just chill'n in her car with her rain boots on
Doesn't every kid have one of these pics? It's official, she's into EVERYTHING!
This is just plain funny. She would not stop! I fear many medical visits are in our future. :)
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11