Monday, April 25, 2011

Zoom Zoom

What a great weekend!  We got to spend tons of fun time with fam and most importantly, celebrate our risen Savior! He's alive!

Baylor is busy as always!  She has recently learned how to make her car go "zoom."  Pretty cute!

Although her aunts have most of the "cute" pics of the activities from the weekend, I was able to get some pretty cute pics of all the prizes that several Easter Bunnies left for her. =)  Don't babies were harmed in the the making of these pics.

Baylor has started making this really funny/wierd facial expression everytime we go outside.  I don't know if she doen't like the wind, or if her eyes are adjusting to outside or what!?  But here we are making it together...

Happy Easter!

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 
55 O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?”  56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As I've stated before, Baylor changes daily...sometimes hourly.  This past month she has really started changing!  She has become even more interactive.  She has eaten poptarts, grilled cheese, donut holes, whole green beans, jello!  Now I realize most of that is not appropriate for a little one to eat...but the fact that she can still suprises me!  She has started mimicking what I do, playing peek-a-boo, and even dancing!  I can also finally get a little bow to stay in her poofy hair.

She is officially starting to becom a little person.  I follow several other blogs...most being about their children as well and sometimes I think, "Oh, I remember when...". Other times I think, "Oh, I'm so glad we're past that."  And even, "Huh...maybe I should try that?"  Each have their own special story to tell about how our Creator has blessed us with a precious little life.   I know I will look back on these early stories when Baylor is 16 and paying me back for everything I ever did and think, "Where did that sweet kid go?!" Ha ha! Kidding! Kidding! Kidding!  Hopefully...

We have come so far in our journey that God is leading us on.  Can't wait to see what's next! =)

Where's Baylor?

Good thing we're not technically baptist anymore! ;)

And yes...she really did roll over when she was 3 weeks old. Here is one of the many videos we taped of it!

My prayer for Baylor- Psalm 139:14-I hope she will always know how special she is, not only to us, but more importantly, to the God that created her.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Life is busy these days!  Mostly because Baylor is so busy!  Soccer season has come to an end for us...a little sooner than we'd hoped, but overall it was a great season.   They won their district and made it to the 3rd round of the playoffs.  Can't be too sad about that!

Baylor is a crawling machine and is EVERYWHERE!  It has kept me a little cleaner though because if there is a thread on the floor, she finds it.   She is a magnet to everything she is not supposed to have! =) She has also figured out how to pull up on things which has made her naptimes and bedtimes...interesting.  I'm so thankful for this little bundle everyday and we love her SO much!

Hello Mommy. I'm awake!

I think I'm such a big girl!  And yes, we have lowered her bed since this pic! 

How cute is this kid!?

Happy late St. Patty's Day!

Playing the "honk" game with Mac

Celebrating Colb's birthday with Jolea and Winnie the Pooh!

On our way to go feed the ducks! 

 It was a loooong walk.  Bit got a little sleepy.

She's gotten much quicker at pulling up even since this video!

Can you guess what this is?

If you guessed "owl" you are right!  I saw this pattern on the internet and it seemed simple enough.  I have to say though, the one on the internet definitely looks a lot better!  I took 2 of Baylor's newborn onesies to make the owl and then stuffed it with the left overs.  It's not the best looking thing every, but at least now I can say that I have sewn something for my baby and it has a little sentimental value! =)